Support Your Team With Wellness Seminars In These Uncertain Times
The challenges that many employees face today are truly unique: working remotely while trying to balance their jobs, families, and personal lives, contributing to positive social change, and preparing for an uncertain future in the time of COVID.
Countless people will require more support from their employers than ever before, which is why CBT Associates works closely with leadership teams to provide timely, practical workshops and seminars for employees. Customized to meet an organization’s needs, our seminars are cost-effective and helpful for a group of 5 or 50+.
Our Psychologists at CBT Associates can present on a variety of topics to support the mental health needs and wellness of employees and their families.
Some common areas of focus include:
- Building resiliency and positive mental health
- Identifying signs of stress, burnout, anxiety and depression
- Strategies to manage symptoms and reduce distress
- Stress management tools/tips for the long-term
- Balancing work/life and competing responsibilities
- Knowing when to reach out for further help (for self or others)
- Children’s mental health and parenting during COVID
- Normalizing concerns for ‘re-opening’ in a time of uncertainty
Our Psychologists can provide evidence-based information, facilitate discussions, answer questions (in a planned or open Q&A setting), and create a safe and open environment for employees to learn about and discuss mental health.
To learn more, please contact Dr Khush Amaria by email at for a free consultation.
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